Merlot Paired with Young and Aged Gruyere

Merlot Paired with Young and Aged Gruyere 1
Merlot Paired with Young and Aged Gruyere 2

After reading the Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc and Emmentaler entry,, maybe you wondered if Benno, our dairy farmer friend, would share some other cheese knowledge? Well you are in luck because this is the second entry featuring our Swiss friends with more Swiss cheese! Neil and I were both excited when they brought us both a young and aged Gruyere cheese so we could taste the difference. What a great idea for WineAndCheeseFriday. They knew the cheese better than us, although we have had a couple Gruyeres* in our time, so we asked what type of wine would pair well with both cheeses. It seemed a Merlot, not being too heavy or too light with a smooth taste should do the trick.

Zinfandel and Aged Gruyere

Zinfandel and Aged Gruyere 1

We purchased this Lodi Zinfandel during the BevMo 5cent sale. ( I have heard that Lodi is the Zin capital of CA so I had to check it out! According to the Lodi website,, the wines are known for their “intense red and black fruit flavors of cherries, raspberries, and blackberries.” The BevMo description of this wine recommends pairing a strong cheese so I figured the Gruyere would fit the bill. We’ve used this cheese once before at the very beginning of WineAndCheeseFriday and I remember it being a little too intense for me. ( Let’s see if my palate has changed?