Tweetup in Cleveland

cheers to the pinksociety from Magee333 and winecheesefri

I always look forward to my #winechats on twitter and Laura is a fellow “winelover” that I’ve been chatting with through the years. She lives in Cleveland and its always nice to catch up when we have those monthly wine gatherings.

Cellar Door Winery, Lincolnville, Maine

Tasting notes at Cellar Door Winery

We visited Cellar Door Winery, back in December. We were in Maine visiting our friends Dwaine and Beth and she was so excited to show us one of her local favorites. It’s fortunate we were there when we were because they were only days away from closing up for the winter season. They’d open back up sometime in April. How could we have known that would be the last time we’d be wine tasting for a long while?

Celebrate Valentine's Day with Sparkling Wine and Cheese!

Our cheeseboard- La Tur, Beehive Hatch Chile Cheese, Wensleydale and Cranberries, and Vermont Creamery St. Albans with Charlito’s Cocina Chorizo seco

Can you believe we’ve only had a handful of Wine and Cheese Friday sparkling wine entries? We really like this type of wine so we figured we could take this chance to learn some more, and who can resist the bubbly? Sparkling wine is always festive, but what better reason to drink some bubbles than Valentine’s Day. It’s only a few days away, you know. Learn more alongside us and then give a new bottle of bubbles a try on Feb. 14. Of course, we’ve got some cheeses in here too for you to pick up.

Wines of Instagram

IG cover image

In December each year, we come up with some wine compilation entries to showcase some wines we tried throughout the year. This year we posted quite a few wines to Instagram that you might not have heard about. If you have an Instagram account, follow us @winecheesefri. If you don't use Instagram, you're in luck because you can still see our posts below. There's even a direct link to each post if you want to read through the comments or see a little more about each one.

Sparkling Moscato and Cheddar

Sparkling Moscato and Cheddar 1

Our wine and cheese tasting occurred in Chicopee, MA this week, during our trip to my mom’s. This tasting will include additional comments from my mom (Betty), my brother (Vinny) and my brother’s girlfriend (Koren). We chose the sparkling wine as a lighter, sweeter option everyone could enjoy!