Best of Wines and Cheeses in Costa Rica

Best of Wines and Cheeses in Costa Rica

During our time in Costa Rica (much longer than we expected) we’ve been finding some really nice wines and cheeses. This trip we’ve had more purchasing options since we’ve been traveling around the country more. This has allowed us to find brands and shops that we never visited before. We’re also aware that it isn’t crucial to refrigerate cheese immediately so we’ve been fine taking the chance of driving home with it for a couple hours without thinking twice.

Toro de Piedra Carmenere wine and Morabia cheese

Toro de Piedra Carmenere wine and Morabia cheese

Today’s entry is being written poolside in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica. We did this pairing in Quebradas, Costa Rica, just outside of San Isidro de General, our "home" for the past 8 months. For a change of scenery we decided to come out to Puerto Jimenez for at least a month. I’ll take the opportunity to sit outside, listen to the waves and birds and get some work done!

Emiliana Adobe Rosé and Goat’s Milk Brie

Emiliana Adobe Rosé Reserva and Goat’s Milk Brie

Neil and I were really craving some rosé so we headed to the grocery store to see what we could find. There were a few different rosés in the wine aisle but we spotted this Chilean rosé by Emiliana Winery, something new for us, and picked up a bottle. We’ve been enjoying the local cheese brand Quesos QM lately so we figured we could find something by them to pair with our rosé. It feels like it’s been forever since we just sat down and paired wine and cheese. Join us today as we taste Emiliana Adobe Rosé (Reserva) and Goat’s Milk Brie!

Wine and Cheese During the Quarantine

Wine and Cheese During the quarantine

I think we can all agree that things have been different during Coronavirus. Maybe not for everyone but for those of us staying home to stay safe. What does that mean for wine and cheese pairing? Well, we’re not running out to pick up a cheese we just heard about since we have to carefully plan our trips to the grocery store. Also we’re rationing our wine so that we can still have some next week before we go back out to the store.

And regarding social media? In the beginning, I couldn’t find many people talking wine, mainly just the newly brewing pandemic. Now that we’re three months in, I figured I’d create an entry with how our wine and cheese pairings have changed.

Finally Got Our Hands on a Bottle of Ocio Wine by Cono Sur Winery!

Our wine picnic at Fudebiol, Centro Biologico Las Quebradas, Costa Rica

We’ve been drinking Cono Sur wines, since we first found them in Ecuador in 2016. After trying a few bottles then, we became fans. Then I found out about the #conosurwinetalk chat on Twitter, . It was there that I first heard about Ocio. People from around the world would come together for that chat so many of the different labels by the brand would be mentioned. I remember hearing about the upper level wine during one of those first chats and thinking, “Wow, that sounds like some nice Pinot Noir! How can I get my hands on a bottle?”

"The Rest of our Wine in Costa Rica"

case of wine from Corbe Gourmet in San Jose, CR

Towards the end of our Costa Rica trip, we found ourselves with a whole bunch of wine remaining from that case we had ordered from San Jose! There were a couple that had been earmarked for wine and cheese pairing research and another one that we just wanted to taste. And even two that we didn’t get to but ended up leaving as a Thank You gift for our caretakers. This pairing will kind be a catch all with wine, cheese, multiple dinners and even a little popcorn. We present to you "The Rest of our Wine in Costa Rica."