Anne Pichon Viognier and Fromager d’Affinois Cheese with Garlic and Herb

Anne Pichon Viognier with Fromager d’Affinois Cheese with Garlic and Herb

Neil called this “One of the best wine and cheese pairings in 2021” and it’s taking until now for us to write it up but hey life happens right? We mentioned in social media, that we found an amazing wine and cheese shop in Red Lodge Montana (Babcock and Miles). They recommended this pairing to us so we finally present the Anne Pichon Viognier and Fromager d’Affinois Cheese with Garlic and Herb.

Celebrating Wine and Cheese Day

Celebrating Wine and Cheese Day with Domaine de la Piégonne Ventoux, Chateau de Nages JT, Syrah soaked Toscano cheese, and Delice de Bourgogne

Wine and Cheese Day happens once a year, according to the calendar, on July 25, but for all you readers out there, you know it happens a lot more than that in our house! It’s been a little while since we’ve had time to sit around enjoying wine and cheese but for the official holiday, it was a must!

Best of Wines and Cheeses in Costa Rica

Best of Wines and Cheeses in Costa Rica

During our time in Costa Rica (much longer than we expected) we’ve been finding some really nice wines and cheeses. This trip we’ve had more purchasing options since we’ve been traveling around the country more. This has allowed us to find brands and shops that we never visited before. We’re also aware that it isn’t crucial to refrigerate cheese immediately so we’ve been fine taking the chance of driving home with it for a couple hours without thinking twice.

Sparkling Wines and Cheeses, as we begin our California Wine Adventure

Sparkling Wines and Cheeses, as we begin our California Wine Adventure

We continue through the month of February with more sparkling wine! We did this tasting with Always Five Star (Pam) and her husband, John, during our trip out to California. Their home on Seal Beach was our first stop in the state. And really who else would you expect us to drink sparkling wine with? They already had a cheese shop picked out for us to visit, Cheese Addiction. Sounds right up my alley! We didn't need an occasion to eat cheese and drink sparkling wine but it just so happened that Pam hit 10k Instagram followers while we were there! Let the celebrating begin.

A Behind the Scenes look at a Twitter Chat-WineAndCheeseFriday is featured on #WiningHourChat

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During a WiningHourChat in the beginning of the year, a suggestion was made to have a Wine and Cheese Theme on a future Tuesday night. So immediately after the chat ended, I contacted the hostesses to figure out what time of the year would be good for all of us. We decided to hold it on National Cheese Day in June. This got the ideas flowing in my mind. What would we talk about? What wines and cheeses should we taste? What would my role as guest be? The hostesses will tell you that this spurred a bunch of ideas and messages from me in the coming days.

Best of Blog~Entries

Date Night

We continue celebrating 5 years of Wine and Cheese Friday with our favorite entries. We chose these entries by the total experience we had during the pairing or tasting. When Maria made her choices she kept changing her favorites but I guess that means we've had some really good experiences!