Best of the Blog~Cheeses

No you ate the whole wheel of cheese

We bring our month of celebrating WineAndCheeseFriday’s Five Year Anniversary to a close with our favorite cheeses. Anyone you ask will tell you how much I ❤️ Cheese! Typically when we create our entries, we both know that I’ll love the cheese and critically analyze the wine. Not really sure why that is but I certainly look forward to trying many new cheeses (and wines) in the future.

Chardonnay and Le Delice de Bourgogne Cheese

Chardonnay and Le Delice de Bourgogne Cheese 1

For this week’s pairing I decided to try another one of the recommended wine and cheese pairings at Trader Joe’s ( The wine is a Chardonnay from Mendocino. I haven’t had many wines from this region so I was curious to see what it was like. The cheese, Le Delice de Bourgogne, is one I have tried before and all I could remember was that I liked it.