A Behind the Scenes look at a Twitter Chat-WineAndCheeseFriday is featured on #WiningHourChat

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During a WiningHourChat in the beginning of the year, a suggestion was made to have a Wine and Cheese Theme on a future Tuesday night. So immediately after the chat ended, I contacted the hostesses to figure out what time of the year would be good for all of us. We decided to hold it on National Cheese Day in June. This got the ideas flowing in my mind. What would we talk about? What wines and cheeses should we taste? What would my role as guest be? The hostesses will tell you that this spurred a bunch of ideas and messages from me in the coming days.

Best of the Blog~Cheeses

No you ate the whole wheel of cheese

We bring our month of celebrating WineAndCheeseFriday’s Five Year Anniversary to a close with our favorite cheeses. Anyone you ask will tell you how much I ❤️ Cheese! Typically when we create our entries, we both know that I’ll love the cheese and critically analyze the wine. Not really sure why that is but I certainly look forward to trying many new cheeses (and wines) in the future.

National Zinfandel Day

Wine And Cheese Friday Zinfandel Pinterest Board 1

This year I created a calendar for all the Wine and Cheese Holidays. I’ve enjoyed seeing each one appear on my calendar and November is going to be a busy month for celebrating! Today, November 18, is National Zinfandel Day. Click on the ZAP website to see where to celebrate over the next few days.