6 Mile Cellars Wine Tasting, Erie, PA

6 Mile Cellars 1

We had so many wine experiences during our summer trip to Pennsylvania that we still have a couple we haven’t told you about yet. Today’s entry is about our wine tasting at 6 Mile Cellars with Aunt Kathy, Marilou and myself. 6 Mile Cellars is just down the road from Aunt Kathy’s house but strangely, we had never visited. That’s likely due to the fact that it’s only open on Saturday and Sunday, so we made a point to check it out during our past trip. Although Aunt Kathy gets to enjoy the wines we bring back from the wineries, she’s never had the chance to come wine tasting with Neil and I. Neil’s sister, Marilou, was in town too so we decided to take a girls day out and enjoy a little vino.

Petite Blue Triple Cream Cheese and ………?, 12/3

When I was at work last night, I decided to try out a new way of wine and cheese pairing. We had some Petite Blue Triple Cream cheese leftover from our Wine and Cheese Friday, http://mferraro73.tumblr.com/post/68106150195/pinot-vember-11-22-pinot-noir-and-petite-blue . Instead of just choosing one wine to pair with the cheese I thought it would be fun to guess which wine would pair best with the cheese, already knowing the cheese flavor. This cheese was pretty soft when we had it so I brought some pita from my greek lunch to spread the cheese on. I used my newly honed wine and cheese skills and set out…

Riesling and Swiss

Riesling and Swiss 1

Our wine this week is a Riesling from Washington. We figured we’d try something a little different for a change. Also it’s a wine that can range anywhere from dry to sweet. We are excited to see what we chose!