Monasterio Vino de Uva Fortalecido and Quesos del Norte las Cuatro a Ahumado

Monasterio Vino de Uva Fortalecido and Quesos del Norte las Cuatro a Ahumado 2
Monasterio Vino de Uva Fortalecido and Quesos del Norte las Cuatro a Ahumado 1

This is our first week in Costa Rica! We figured it was appropriate to find some Wine And Cheese from here to discuss…when in Rome! On our first day here we headed over to the MegaSuper in order to see what was available. There were definitely some familiar American wines here but we wanted something authentic. Without any real idea of what we were buying, we chose the Monasterio Vino de Uva fortalecido and Quesos del Norte las cuatro a Ahumado.