Wine Bottling…for Fourteen Hours!

Wine Bottling…for Fourteen Hours! 1
Wine Bottling…for Fourteen Hours! 2
Wine Bottling…for Fourteen Hours! 3
Wine Bottling…for Fourteen Hours! 4
Wine Bottling…for Fourteen Hours! 5
Wine Bottling…for Fourteen Hours! 6
Wine Bottling…for Fourteen Hours! 7

Our first act for the Sol Rouge Vineyard and Winery was wine bottling! While Maria was working in the wine industry in San Francisco, she helped with this job a few times, but this would be Neil’s first time bottling. It always proves to be a VERY LONG DAY, but we love those new wine experiences.

Our Upcoming Month at the Sol Rouge Vineyard

Our Upcoming Month at the Sol Rouge Vineyard 1
Our Upcoming Month at the Sol Rouge Vineyard 2
Our Upcoming Month at the Sol Rouge Vineyard 3

We arrived to the Sol Rouge Vineyard last night. We are excited about all the wine opportunities that this experience will provide! We are already scheduled to help bottle the wine on Monday morning so stay tuned for an entry regarding that. There will also be tasks to be done in the vineyard which Maria is super excited about.