Barbera and Broncha

Winery SF Barbera and Achadinha Cheese Company Broncha 1

It’s time for another “super local” Wine and Cheese! Our wine, Barbera, comes from my work ( and our cheese, Broncha, is from Petaluma, CA ( Neil and I love to support local businesses so these experiences are always close to our hearts.

We are both interested in trying wines that we haven’t had much exposure to so the Barbera was a perfect choice. This grape originates in Italy, whereas many California wines are from France. We also found out these bunches are huge, and usually lighter in tannins. Let the tasting begin!

During our initial sips, we both noticed a heavy peppery spice, similar to a Zinfandel. Do all Italian grapes have this aroma? I picked up a light berry and perhaps a cherry cola flavor. Neil noticed a full mouth flavor with a solid finish. The spiciness carried through for both of us.

Now onto the cheese. This Broncha cheese was purchased at the Heart Of The City farmer’s market. ( I was there purchasing my produce for the week when I found the Achadinha booth. I couldn’t pass up the chance to sample some local cheese, especially one that reminded me of the BellaVitano cheese that we’ve had in the past (

This cheese is part cows milk and part goats milk. A winning combination with the creaminess from the cows milk and the tangy flavor of the goats milk. I noticed it to be dry and a little chalky where Neil picked up nutty and salty flavors. We both really enjoyed it!

When we combined the Barbera and Broncha, the cheese reduced the initial spice of the wine but then the spice returned for the finish. Neil thought the cheese brought out the tannins of the wine. We both felt this was a good pairing! The cheese salesman, at the market, suggested Barbera because the acidity would cut through the fat of the cheese. Thanks for the recommendation Steve!