National Zinfandel Day

Wine And Cheese Friday Zinfandel Pinterest Board 1

This year I created a calendar for all the Wine and Cheese Holidays. I’ve enjoyed seeing each one appear on my calendar and November is going to be a busy month for celebrating! Today, November 18, is National Zinfandel Day. Click on the ZAP website to see where to celebrate over the next few days.

If you are a member of Pinterest, check out my Zinfandel Board. It’s full of past Zinfandel WineAndCheeseFriday pairings as well as other users’ reviews and comments about those same wines. I had a great time putting this board together and seeing how many people have enjoyed the same wines as us.

Do you have a favorite Zinfandel wine? We’d love to try it, so email us your recommendation at It is our favorite type of wine to drink together so we’d love to hear your suggestions! Neil likes the peppery ones and I prefer the jammy yet complex versions.

Enjoy National Zinfandel Day, I know we will.

Wine And Cheese Friday Zinfandel Pinterest Board 2