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The Search for an Inexpensive Dinner Wine at Trader Joe's

In San Francisco, Neil and I lived right down the road from Trader Joe’s. Any of you that shop at this grocery store, would probably agree that they have a pretty good selection of inexpensive wines. Throughout 2015, Neil and I would randomly pick up a 5-10 dollar wine to have with dinner. Since so many of us are on the Search for an Inexpensive Dinner Wine, we thought you would all like to hear our results.

National Zinfandel Day

Wine And Cheese Friday Zinfandel Pinterest Board 1

This year I created a calendar for all the Wine and Cheese Holidays. I’ve enjoyed seeing each one appear on my calendar and November is going to be a busy month for celebrating! Today, November 18, is National Zinfandel Day. Click on the ZAP website to see where to celebrate over the next few days.

Dueling Merlots

Dueling Merlots 1
Dueling Merlots 2

Recently during a layover at Newark Airport, we took a little time to enjoy some wine. The restaurant, Proof, was located in the center aisle between the gates. Although it was essentially in the middle of the walkway, it was surprisingly relaxed and chill. This part of the airport must have been recently remodeled because you placed your order on iPads, at your table, and could even pay with your frequent flyer miles!

Kendall Jackson Chardonnay and Notre Dame French Brie

Kendall Jackson Chardonnay and Notre Dame French Brie 1

During Columbus Day weekend, in order to practice wine tasting before heading to Raven Hollow Winery, we paired Chardonnay and Brie. ( This was an introduction to wine tasting for Jackie and Karen and a refresher course for Betty. Although Karen had only gone to one other wine tasting, she knew that she liked the flavor of Kendall Jackson Chardonnay so we figured it would be a fun way for her to get acquainted with the techniques of wine tasting. Neil and I taught them about the 5S’s of wine tasting and how to take your time with the wine to really notice the dominant flavors and aromas. Karen also decided to read the back label to see what flavor hints they might offer.

Pumpkin Wine and Fromage Blanc

Pumpkin Wine and Fromage Blanc 1

As a Halloween treat, we will be pairing Stingy Jack Pumpkin wine and Fromage blanc. A few weeks back, while visiting the Big E Wine and Cheese Barn (, I found this pumpkin wine. How could I resist, I am here to celebrate all things related to Fall. Do you recognize this cheese? We made it last week with my niece and nephew, This is another team wine and cheese tasting so please welcome my two brothers Tom and Vin, along with their better halves Liz and Koren and my mom, Betty, to taste with us.