We went to visit our friend Geoff for dinner over the weekend. He knows how much we enjoy our Wine And Cheese so he created quite a spread of cheeses as an appetizer. He is also in the wine industry and has a pretty nice collection. With all the Wine and Cheese we were going to try that evening, we figured it is only fair to share a few notes.
During our recent trip to Florida, I planned a trip back to Rosa Fiorelli Winery, my old stomping grounds (www.fiorelliwinery.com). This has been a hard couple of years for them with the owner, Antonio, passing away after his battle with Cancer. They are now following Antonio’s son Sal’s guidance and finding their footing without Antonio.
We planned a trip back to Florida and were able to have some Wine and Cheese time with Neil’s mom Linda. I thought she would enjoy a Viognier so when we found this blend we figured we’d give it a try. And who doesn’t like a tasty Brie?
We purchased the Pinot Noir back in June during our trip to Wente, http://mferraro73.tumblr.com/post/88717310148/trip-to-livermore-part-one-its-been-over-a. And who could pass up a cheese with a lighthouse display at TJ’s! Let WineAndCheeseFriday begin…
This week we’ll be tasting our homemade goat cheese so you’ll get to hear all about how it came out! (http://mferraro73.tumblr.com/post/99075294173/making-goat-cheese-over-the-weekend-we-tried-our) The wine we chose was a raffle prize from my work Christmas Party. I’ve never opened an “older” bottle of wine so I was apprehensive but also excited!
We ordered our kit from Belle Chèvre through a living social deal back in June and finally got around to buying the goat milk. Check back next week to see our cheese making shenanigans!