Petite Sirah and Super Berries Chocolate Bar

Runquist Petite Sirah and Choceur Super Berries Chocolate 1

We found this wine at Vino Simpatico Wine Shop in Pasadena, FL. ( They just happened to have a bottle open to taste from their event the night before. Neil couldn’t believe what a big wine it was, considering that it had already been open for a day. Since he was enjoying it, his mom found a bottle of the Petite Sirah on the shelf and purchased it for him. We had been saving the wine for a day when we could really relax and enjoy it. During our grocery shopping at Aldi, we found this Super Berry Chocolate Bar and thought it would complement the rich, dark wine nicely. Let’s see if we were correct?

Our Day Working in the Vineyard at SolRouge

Our Day Working in the Vineyard at SolRouge 2
Our Day Working in the Vineyard at SolRouge 1
Our Day Working in the Vineyard at SolRouge 3
Our Day Working in the Vineyard at SolRouge 4
Our Day Working in the Vineyard at SolRouge 5
Our Day Working in the Vineyard at SolRouge 6
Our Day Working in the Vineyard at SolRouge 7

Neil and I not only like to drink wine, but also we love to be around the grapes before they turn into wine. Whenever we get the chance, we visit vineyards. Since harvest happens late summer to early fall, we called our friend who owns a vineyard to see when harvest might begin. Well we were in luck, because it was about to start in a few days.