Undurraga Rosé and Campestre Goat Cheese

Undurraga Rosé and Monte Azul Campestre cheese

We told you there would be more wines by Undurraga! This time we’ll taste their rosé. And this cheese, I know you can all imagine how excited we were to find an aged cheese made with goat’s milk here in Costa Rica. We came across it at the grocery store that we visit most often, Luferz. We go there every week and it wasn’t until about a month of visits that we noticed this brand of cheeses, Monte Azul in the refrigerated section. They have have over a dozen different cheeses and they refer to themselves as artisan. We all know what that means ?

Rosé and Edam cheese in the Park

Matua Pinot Noir Rosé and Edam cheese in the Park 1

During our time in Massachusetts the weather was very unpredictable. I lived there my whole childhood so you’d think I would be expecting that. So many days we watched the weather wondering if it would be sunny or rainy and what we could do to enjoy the day. This Sunday in particular, the forecast kept showing sunshine and low 80’s. We all knew it would be a great day to have a picnic in the park. We had our wine and picnic lunch all packed and ready! We’d bring a Pinot Noir rosé that we purchased at Wine 101 Hamden, and it even had a screw top. Our cheese this week was Edam, because surprisingly we’d never tried it before. Just needed to pack up the car and keep our fingers crossed that the weather predictions were correct!

Petit Verdot Rosé and Manchego

Pagodel Vicario Petit Verdot Rosado and Manchego

Pagodel Vicario Petit Verdot Rosé

During our time in Florida, we’ve been on a search for a place to buy some lesser known wines. A friend in the wine industry suggested, West Palm Wines, http://www.westpalmwines.com, in Ybor City. We finally had a chance to get over to Tampa, since we don’t have a car, to check out the store. It was exactly what we were looking for, I didn’t know any of the wines! After about an hour of searching and roaming around, I spoke with Mark, the owner, to learn about some of the the wines. We talked about their large collection of Sicilian wines, rosés and old world wines.

Most Memorable Wines of 2013

In order to bring 2013 to a close, I decided to create a “Most Memorable Wines of 2013” list. These wines are all wines that made such an impact on me that I continued to talk about them after finishing the bottle. Overall, I really liked them but one that made the list, turned my stomach.

These are not listed in any particular order