Pinot-Vember, Pinot Noir and Petite Blue Triple Cream

Pinot-Vember, Pinot Noir and Petite Blue Triple Cream 1

Pinot-Vember continues this week with a Pinot Noir and Petite Blue Triple Cream cheese both purchased at BevMo. ( Since there was a “5 cent sale” going on, I cheated a little by reading the descriptions of some of the wines. During the “5 cent sale” you get 2 bottles of the same wine, so I wanted to be sure it was one we would be interested in.

Pinot-Vember, Pinot Noir and Manchego

Pinot-Vember, Pinot Noir and Manchego 1

Neil was doing his programming thing this weekend so we decided to do wine and cheese a little different. Usually we taste the wine and cheese side by side and compare notes. This time we tasted separately, lets see if it changes anything…

Blanc de Blanc’s Sparkling Wine and St. Andre Cheese

Blanc de Blanc's Sparkling Wine and St. Andre Cheese 1

Our wine and cheese pairing this week is a sparkling wine from Trader Joe’s with another soft cheese called St. Andre. Since our last cheese was named after a nearby mountain, I figured I should do a little research on this cheese. I did a quick Google search and found out St. Andre cheese is a specific type of triple cream cheese that has a soft buttery texture, tangy edible rind, and tastes like an intense version of Brie. Thanks Wikipedia, now onto the wine.