Trip to Lake County, Labor Day Weekend, Part 2

Trip to Lake County, Labor Day Weekend, Part 2 1

Touring around Lake County was amazing and exciting to see the different volcanic soils. We started in a vineyard with red coarse dirt and ended with black obsidian. Either way, it would be impossible to dig in. Also all of the minerals in the soil carry through into the wines, can you say terroir?

We drove back to Sol Rouge for a giant dinner. Another night of food and wine ensued; kabobs, baked pears, bacon wrapped sole, our winemakers first vintage and all his favorite wines, delicious!

On Monday morning we opted for an easier breakfast with fruit and croissants. On our agenda today: Sol Rouge’s vineyard! Early that morning I had been looking up the mountain at the grapes, wondering how you harvest on a mountain. During our tour we all made the trek up and found out, it’s not easy. Not to mention the fact that you have to get the grapes back down the hill. We took in the beautiful scenery, tasted so many grapes, and witnessed how the same grapes grow differently up and down a mountain.

What an experience! Neil and I are ready to buy a vineyard now, and we’ll just make sure we have someone else to go up and down all those hills.