Best of the Blog~Cheeses

No you ate the whole wheel of cheese

We bring our month of celebrating WineAndCheeseFriday’s Five Year Anniversary to a close with our favorite cheeses. Anyone you ask will tell you how much I ❤️ Cheese! Typically when we create our entries, we both know that I’ll love the cheese and critically analyze the wine. Not really sure why that is but I certainly look forward to trying many new cheeses (and wines) in the future.

Le Delice de Bourgogne 2Le Delice de Bourgogne Let’s begin with Neil’s favorite cheeses. He began with the Le Delice de Bourgogne cheese that we first learned about from a suggested Trader Joe’s pairing. He calls this the “best party friendly, all around good cheese!”. Now how can you argue with that? It also made it into our Favorite Cheeses of 2014 list so I’d say you’ll be hearing more about this cheese in the future.

nebbiolo-and-italian-truffle-cheese_1Italian Truffle Cheese The second cheese on Neil’s favorite list is the Italian Truffle cheese. And coincidentally it was also on that Favorite Cheeses of 2014 list. Do we see a pattern forming here? Why did Neil choose this one? Simply stated “because truffles are fabulous!”

hawley-pinot-noir-and-red-hawk_1Red Hawk The Red Hawk cheese by Cowgirl Creamery had such an interesting story behind it! Between the specific conditions involved in making it and the unique flavor, it will be one we always remember.

zinfandel-and-basque-tomme-chevre_1Basque Tomme Chèvre Its not everyday that we come across complex cheeses. Sometimes we just have to settle for what we can find, especially in those remote places that we travel. That wasn’t the case with this cheese. We always look forward to the ones where we keep discovering new flavors.

speak-and-white-stilton-with-apricot_1White Stilton with Apricots You may remember we made a Pinterest board with Cheeses that had stuff in it or around it. This White Stilton with Apricots was included in that collection. Neil likes that this was a really fun cheese and thought it was cool that some cheeses can be sweet.

Now let's see what made it to my list!

Le Delice de Bourgogne 1Le Delice de Bourgogne Well, it looks like we both really like the Le Delice de Bourgogne since it’s on both of our lists! As we continued through WineAndCheeseFriday, we had it multiple times and even built a Cheese Pairdown around this cheese. How can you resist? It looks like cake and is so rich and smooth.

cabernet-sauvignon-and-1000-day-gouda_1Aged Gouda Before we started the blog, I don’t think I had heard of aged cheese. I love the crunchies and the dry flavor of Aged Gouda. This became one of our go-to cheeses when we had people coming over.

Tomme CrayeuseTomme Crayeuse We tried the Tomme Crayeuse during one of our stays in Florida. It was leaps and bounds ahead of any cheese we tried during that timeframe. I remember being so excited that it reminded me of a musty basement! Funny how cheese is like that.

Château Les Grandes Mottes Bordeaux and Huntsman Cheese 2Huntsman Cheese This is the first cheese we ever found that had 2 cheeses in one. Huntsman is made from Double Gloucester with stripes of Blue Stilton. It was so delicious but a little tricky when we brought it to friends who weren’t into blue cheese. Well, more for me ?. I still get excited when I see it in the store.

Cranberry WensleydaleCranberry Wensleydale We’ve had Cranberry Wensleydale with and without wine. The combination of tart cranberries and smooth, creamy cheese is always delicious. Keep an eye out for this tasty cheese around the Holidays.

One of the best things about the cheese world (and wine world) is that there’s always more to learn about. Have you had Central American cheese? What about Greek Cheese? or Reindeer Cheese? I look forward to venturing down the path to all sorts of new cheeses. Won’t you join us? We can’t wait to find out what some of our new favorite cheeses will be!