Top Cheeses of 2014

Top Cheeses of 2014 1

In order to celebrate Christmas we came up with our top cheeses of 2014. See the list below:

Aged Comte Italian truffle cheese Goat milk brie Le Delice de Bourgogne cheese

All of the cheeses were originally purchased at Trader Joe’s so we purchased them from there again. We were excited to share our “best of” collection with some friends so we brought them to Christmas dinner.

What made us choose these out of around forty cheeses? They all made an impression on us for various reasons. The goat milk brie had a great texture for a soft cheese, The italian truffle cheese had such a lasting flavor and reminded us of breadstick seasoning, . How could we leave out the aged Comte? We saw this cheese in multiple places during our trip to Europe,, as well as enjoyed it a couple times there and in SF. ( And the final cheese, Le Delice de Bourgogne, made a couple appearances this year as well. The first time I tried it was at work on a cheese platter and then again as the Trader Joe’s Cheese of the Month,

The cheese board collection was a hit! And if we had to choose the overall favorite I’d say it was a close tie between the Goat milk brie and Le Delice de Bourgogne cheese. Regardless of the best, the entire cheese board was devoured. What a great way to celebrate the 2014 WineAndCheeseFridays!