Cheddar cheese through the years

Cheddar cheese through the years

Have you noticed that all of our November WineAndCheeseFriday entries have been tied to cheddar cheese? After learning all about cheddaring at The Art of Cheese we set out to find more cheddar cheese opportunities. At first we thought we’d create two cheddar cheese pairings each with a red or white wine. Then we found out our trip to Rogue Creamery would have a connection to cheddar cheese too. It only made sense to purchase some cheddar cheese while we were there and create a pairing with all our Oregon goodies, too.

Cabernet Sauvignon, Grafton 2 Year Cheddar & Cabernet Matinee Dark Chocolate

Cabernet Sauvignon, Grafton 2 Year Cheddar & Cabernet Matinee Dark Chocolate 1

As a special treat for Valentine’s Day, we not only paired wine and cheese but added some chocolate. Not a bad deal if you ask me! We wanted to step it up a bit so the wine today will be a Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley. Since there is more than one pairing happening the entry will be wine, cheese, wine and cheese, chocolate, wine and chocolate. Enjoy!