Annual Wine and Cheese Party at Aunt Kathy’s

Annual Wine and Cheese Party at Aunt Kathy’s

It was getting close to the end of our time in Pennsylvania and Aunt Kathy turned to me and said “We haven’t done our wine and cheese pairing yet!” That was all I needed to get planning. During our next trip to Aldi, I found a couple cheeses I’d like to contribute. I grabbed a bottle of Prosecco too just to mix things up a little for this crowd. Then a few days later, we took a trip out to Reverie Creamery, our go to cheese shop in the area. We always enjoy their Tom but of course we started tasting and found two more to bring.

Co-hosting #WiningHourChat with Chris from Wine101 Hamden

Wining Hour Chat with Wine101Hamden Oct 2018

We had such a good time the first time I was the guest on WiningHourChat, that Li, Maggie and Cara asked if I’d like to do it again. We had the idea to do it sometime in the Fall and I already new I’d be in New England then. This got me thinking that Chris from Wine 101 Hamden is also in New England and that we could cohost the chat. And so it began!

Celebrate Valentine's Day with Sparkling Wine and Cheese!

Our cheeseboard- La Tur, Beehive Hatch Chile Cheese, Wensleydale and Cranberries, and Vermont Creamery St. Albans with Charlito’s Cocina Chorizo seco

Can you believe we’ve only had a handful of Wine and Cheese Friday sparkling wine entries? We really like this type of wine so we figured we could take this chance to learn some more, and who can resist the bubbly? Sparkling wine is always festive, but what better reason to drink some bubbles than Valentine’s Day. It’s only a few days away, you know. Learn more alongside us and then give a new bottle of bubbles a try on Feb. 14. Of course, we’ve got some cheeses in here too for you to pick up.