Anne Pichon Viognier and Fromager d’Affinois Cheese with Garlic and Herb

Anne Pichon Viognier with Fromager d’Affinois Cheese with Garlic and Herb

Neil called this “One of the best wine and cheese pairings in 2021” and it’s taking until now for us to write it up but hey life happens right? We mentioned in social media, that we found an amazing wine and cheese shop in Red Lodge Montana (Babcock and Miles). They recommended this pairing to us so we finally present the Anne Pichon Viognier and Fromager d’Affinois Cheese with Garlic and Herb.

Our Upcoming Month at the Sol Rouge Vineyard

Our Upcoming Month at the Sol Rouge Vineyard 1
Our Upcoming Month at the Sol Rouge Vineyard 2
Our Upcoming Month at the Sol Rouge Vineyard 3

We arrived to the Sol Rouge Vineyard last night. We are excited about all the wine opportunities that this experience will provide! We are already scheduled to help bottle the wine on Monday morning so stay tuned for an entry regarding that. There will also be tasks to be done in the vineyard which Maria is super excited about.