Milbrandt Rosé, Wasabi Crusted Scallops & First Snow Cheese

Milbrandt Rosé, Wasabi Crusted Scallops & First Snow Cheese

Do you have a twitter account? Do you like wine? Have you ever done a twitter chat? Twitter chats take place for around an hour and a bunch of people get together to discuss a monthly topic. It’s all text, well, except for the #pinksociety chat. They have videos, crazy memes and usually a dance party portion. A very fun way to get together and drink pink wine! I’ve been part of the #pinksociety since it’s inception and another cool part of it, is that you can win prizes, which brings me to today’s #WineAndCheeseFriday entry.

Picpoul de Pinet versus WA Picpoul

Picpoul de Pinet by Les Vignerons de Florensac versus Gramercy Cellars Picpoul

We’re always curious to try out some wines we’re not very familiar with. During our visit to the Wine Feed, we came across bottles of Picpoul from two different countries. How fun, we could learn about a new grape and see how it differs around the world! We’ve only tried this type of wine once before,, and it was something I remembered wanting to try again. How often do you deviate from the noble grape varieties? Maybe this is a type of white wine you’d like to try?

Chardon-May, Our Favorite Chardonnay

Chardon-May, Our Favorite Chardonnay

When we came up with the idea for Chardon-May, I wanted to find wines from less common growing areas than most people are familiar with for Chardonnay. We have enjoyed Chardonnay on many occasions and it is a wine that can range in flavor quite a bit. I was also curious how many of them would be lighter and fruitier than the heavily oaked versions we knew from California.

Chardon-May, Eve Chardonnay and Rocket's Robiola

Chardon-May, Eve Chardonnay and Rocket's Robiola 1

This next Chardon-May entry features the Eve Chardonnay from Charles Smith Wines. Charles Smith Wines is a brand from Washington that features funky black and white label designs. We’ve tried a handful of their wines but this will be our first time with their Chardonnay. Come to think of it, this might be our first time trying a Washington Chardonnay too.* The cheese we’ll be tasting for this entry is from North Carolina, and yup, you guessed it, it’s another one from the Durham Farmer’s Market. We really lucked out with the selection of cheeses available there. We hope you enjoy the second Chardon-May pairing of Eve Chardonnay and Rocket’s Robiola.

ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting

ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 1
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 2
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 3
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 4
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 5
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 6
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 7
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 8
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 9
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Tasting 10

It’s been a few years since Neil and I have lived in St Petersburg, FL but we are in town temporarily to fix up our house. While we are here, we’ve been trying to figure out a good place to buy wine besides the grocery store. An ABC Fine Wines and Spirits,, was built down the road after we left and last week we just happened to find out that they were holding their semi-annual wine tasting. When we called the store about making a reservation, we found out there would be over 50 samples of wine and spirits. Obviously we planned to check it out!