Tokaji and Potato Chip Gouda

The Oddity Tokaji and Potato Chip Gouda

This weeks wine choice was inspired by a recent twitter chat about Hungarian wine. Since I had heard of Tokaji but never tried it, Mark at West Palm Wines suggested we taste this dry Tokaji called The Oddity. How could I resist? And speaking of oddities, we found this Potato Chip Gouda at Cheese Please. Although it sounds quite strange, it’s one of their best sellers and it's a type of Gouda. What an obvious choice for us! I suppose we were playing off the “out of the ordinary” theme for this entry because we took our tasting notes at 1am on the last night in our house. Now that’s a great reason to have Wine And Cheese!

Petit Verdot Rosé and Idiazabal

Pagodel Vicario Petit Verdot Rosado and Idiazabal cheese

As we prepare for National Rosé Day this weekend, we brought back a wine we’ve already tried before. When we initially found this wine at West Palm Wines, the salesman suggested we pair it with Idiazabal cheese but we weren’t able to find it that time around. ( Then when we were just at Cheese Please, we found the Idiazabal and the same Petit Verdot rosé. So here’s take 2 of the rosé, this time paired with Idiazabal. #RoseAllDay

Domaine de la Becassonne Côtes du Rhône White Wine with Gouda and Double Gloucester

Domaine de la Becassonne Côtes du Rhône White Wine with Gouda and Double Gloucester

Neil went out of town for work at the end of January so I figured that’d be a great time to have my neighbor Valerie over for some wine! We’ve done a few wine tastings together* and it’s always a fun time! She usually likes white wines so I thought this Rhône Blend would be something new for her to try. (Sadly, this wine is our final one from our Christmas present at West Palm Wines.) Without looking at the label, I gave her some varietals that would be in the wine and she set out to find some foods to pair with it. She was really into it and found the appropriate cheeses, fruits and even snack mix to complement the wine. Her research pointed her to Gouda, Double Gloucester and green and red pears. So without further ado, our night of wine, cheese, fruit and analysis!

Pecorino and Pecorino

Collefrisio Vignaquadra Pecorino and Pecorino

We promised more wines from West Palm Wines and here you go! During our trip there, we saw this Pecorino wine and knowing there is a Pecorino cheese, I had to get it for a WineAndCheeseFriday Pairing. The cheese is Pecorino Romano and you’ve probably already guessed that we found it at Trader Joe’s. We did try out another store first but they didn’t carry it. We should have just gone to our old standby to start. I was so curious to see what the link between the wine and cheese would be for them both to be named Pecorino. I thought it might have been where they are from in Italy.

Wines We Drank in 2016

Raise your hand if you want drinkable dinner wines that don’t break the bank ?, I know we do! We’ve been in Florida for about 6 months now and finding those tasty, inexpensive, uncommon wines is always our task at hand. This being said, we have found quite a few around the area at Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Walgreens and a small specialty shop called West Palm Wines. Join us as we taste through about a dozen examples.

Petit Verdot Rosé and Manchego

Pagodel Vicario Petit Verdot Rosado and Manchego

Pagodel Vicario Petit Verdot Rosé

During our time in Florida, we’ve been on a search for a place to buy some lesser known wines. A friend in the wine industry suggested, West Palm Wines,, in Ybor City. We finally had a chance to get over to Tampa, since we don’t have a car, to check out the store. It was exactly what we were looking for, I didn’t know any of the wines! After about an hour of searching and roaming around, I spoke with Mark, the owner, to learn about some of the the wines. We talked about their large collection of Sicilian wines, rosés and old world wines.