Pinot-Vember, Pinot Noir and Camembert

Pinot-Vember, Pinot Noir and Camembert 1

Join us in celebrating Pinot-Vember this month! We’ve decided to feature all Pinot Noir wine pairings as a fun theme for the blog.

The Pinot Noir for this week is one we picked up in Healdsburg a few months back. ( We had been saving it for Wine and Cheese Friday so we were excited to try it out again!

Initially, Neil picked up cherry aromas while I found notes of Earth and oak. When we tasted the wine, Neil identified a black cherry taste with a moderate spice and said it was a well-rounded wine. I agreed with the cherry flavor and the spice, but also found it to be tart with a smooth flavorful finish. We both liked the wine, I’m glad we found it that day at Hudson Street Wineries! (

We chose to pair the Pinot Noir with Camembert cheese. This was the final pairing on our original wine and cheese list. We tried to find Camembert during a past Wine and Cheese Friday but we were unable to. Thanks for having it Whole Foods! (

The texture of this cheese was unlike one I’ve ever had. It was definitely a soft cheese but it was thick and didn’t coat your mouth. It seemed almost slippery. We did really like the flavor though, it reminded us of mushrooms. We also smelled a slightly pungent odor without it being overbearing. Neil even picked up an herbaceous flavor!

When we paired the Pinot Noir and Camembert I tasted fruit and spice with a hint of vanilla. Neil found more spice and oak in the wine, and more herb flavor in the cheese. I liked the wine even more when combined with the cheese.

We thought this was a very good Wine and Cheese! I think the reason the pairing worked so well was due to the earthiness of the wine and the cheese.