Wine and Cheese During the Quarantine

Wine and Cheese During the quarantine

I think we can all agree that things have been different during Coronavirus. Maybe not for everyone but for those of us staying home to stay safe. What does that mean for wine and cheese pairing? Well, we’re not running out to pick up a cheese we just heard about since we have to carefully plan our trips to the grocery store. Also we’re rationing our wine so that we can still have some next week before we go back out to the store.

And regarding social media? In the beginning, I couldn’t find many people talking wine, mainly just the newly brewing pandemic. Now that we’re three months in, I figured I’d create an entry with how our wine and cheese pairings have changed.

It seems to have made many of us branch out into new ventures. Some people started doing Facebook and Instagram Live broadcasts, we convinced my family to take part in virtual happy hours, and everyone and their mother started using Zoom. “Video chatting” as all of these could be called is something I’ve been doing for over 10 years since my family is spread out all over the US. For some people, they just started doing it back in March. Such a fun way to start chatting and expanding our horizons about wine and cheese!

See the new ways we’ve been enjoying wine and cheese below:

Wine Dine Wanda livestream

IG live with Dave and Wanda New way for me to learn about wine Live discussion between them with a chat incorporated on the side just watched, no wine or cheese

Virtual Happy Hour with Lori Budd and friends

Happy hour with Lori No theme just a good time hanging out M&N ate Wine & cheese Undurraga carmenere mozzarella, tomato, basil-caprese salad

Cinco de Mayo Virtual Chat with #WiningHourChat

Cinco de Mayo Virtual #wininghourchat Zoom first time it was virtual instead of just text on Twitter M&N both joined in enjoyed Bamboo brand canned mojitos with chips, salsa and avocado

Cheese O'Clock Week 4

Cheese o’clock Zoom started taking part because I’d had the cheese by the featured cheesemaker during week 2 So many new cheeses to try Some of the details: Week 2 Shepherd’s Way "Shepherd’s Hope”, Tulip Tree “Trillium”, Goat Lady Dairy “Providence”, Milton Creamery “Flory’s Truckle" & Silverado vineyards Week 3 Pennyroyal Farm “Laychee”, Cascadia Creamery “Sawtooth”, Shooting Star Creamery “Aries”, Face Rock Creamery “Bandaged Cheddar” & Jordan Winery Week 4 Blackberry Farm Brebis, Firefly Merry Goat Round Spruce, Meadow Creek Appalachian, Gold Hill by Haystack Mountain & Trefethen Winery

Maria does her first FB live show for Worcester State Alumni

WSC pairing FB live and Zoom Maria’s college invited her to be a featured guest as part of the #staysafestayhome effort M&N ate Wine & Cheese Montes Merlot Blueberry Vanilla Goat cheese log

Happy hour with Vin and Koren

Happy hour with Vin and Koren Skype invited my brother and sister in law to have a virtual happy hour after trying them out with my wine friends. Suggested that he drink a wine we purchased them back when we were all together if he still had it. His wine-Rosso All’Antica Lambrusco, strawberries, cheese, and bread Our wine-Ca d’archi from Santa Margherita (Pinot Bianco and Pinot Grigio), bread, panino of mozzarella and prosciutto Koren had Truly seltzer

Maria gets interviewed by Lori Budd

Podcast for Cheese Day Free Conference Call Lori heard Cheese Day was soon and invited me to be part of her podcast Maria ate wine and cheese Cono Sur red blend Quesos QM washed rind tomme

The Art of Cheese's Friday Fromage on IG

IG live with Art of Cheese just watched, no wine or cheese looking forward to learning more on the next one!

Happy Hour with Diane and Brian

Happy Hour with Diane and Brian Facetime have done multiple in person wine and cheese pairings with them in the past, why not give a virtual one a try? Their wine-Arundel winery, with NY sharp cheddar and smoked Gouda cheeses Our wine-Bonarda with tomme from podcast and aged gouda, almonds

IG wine and cheese livestream with Janet Fletcher and Karen MacNeil

IG wine and cheese pairing with Janet Fletcher wine and cheese topic I was excited to watch because I’ve had one of the cheeses, one of the wine brands and the cheese brand of 2nd cheese featured wines and cheeses: Chappellet “Molly” Chenin Blanc 2019 with Capriole Julianna Massican Sauvignon Blanc 2019 with Vermont Creamery Bonne Bouche.  I drank Undurraga rose while I watched

To all of you that were a part of any of these events, please excuse the moment I chose to make the screenshot. Guess that's something we need to get used to with this new lifestyle too. I look forward to all the future livestream events that we will be taking part in together!